had been shattered. After a few more minutes of visiting I began to realize that I was among understanding friends. A new dimension was added to my life.

Soon after that first meeting came the realization that another dream would be coming true in the near future as plans for a New Year's party were made by the local FPE chapter. Finally, I would be able to wear in public one of the lovely formal outfits that my wife and I had made or purchased over the last few years. The anticipation and planning that oc- curred in our home prior to the great occasion was in itself a great thrill. My generous wife was willing to share in planning and preparing for the party, but the one thing that would make the evening a complete success would be a promise from her that she would join me in my thrilling even- ing. This promise could not be made as she was not sure that she could tolerate such an affair. Being a one car family has its advantages as my wife had to take me to the meeting place, fix our food contribution for the evening, and return to pick up our daughter from work. While fixing the food tray at the party room she met some of the other FP's who impressed her as being such nice persons that her apprehension about attending disappeared and she decided to return for the party and her presence made my evening complete.

The excitement of the party was still with me when we heard that the greatest giver to all FP's, Virginia, would be attending our next chapter meeting. Again my wife and I began planning for a big occasion. Those of you who read this will certainly appreciate the excitement of planning what to wear for those special occasions. I tried on every outfit in my femme wardrobe in the attempt to make the all important decision. Then one day while shopping (as my brother) with my wife she picked out a lovely black velvet and lace dress and said, "This is the perfect dress for Anne to wear for meeting Virginia." My wife believes that if Anne is going out she should be well dressed. The dress was purchased and about one week later I received another thrill when a new wig was brought home from the beauty shop. Anne and her R.W. were now ready to meet Virginia.

With FPE has come friendships with others who enjoy wearing fem- inine clothing. I never believed that some day I would enjoy a dinner with other FP's and my wife in our home. This has come true also in re- cent weeks. Many other glorious things have happened to Anne recently. She was driven to a birthday party, taken for a Sunday afternoon drive, and taken window shopping.